Altar Servers - Acolytes
The mission of the Altar Servers Ministry is to develop teams of support to assist the clergy before, during, and after liturgical and sacramental services. In performing these duties the servers will be demonstrating their stewardship commitment with their time and talents. Participating in this ministry will enrich ones spiritual awareness and provide a deeper understanding of the Church’s rich traditions. While the ministry has a focus of bringing in male youth the ministry has a need for older men as well.
Any young man 10 years of age or older may serve as an altar boy. A necessary prerequisite is enrollment in our Church School. This experience provides a boy with a closer acquaintance with our tradition of liturgical worship, as well as with fellowship with other young men with whom he serves. Altar boys are assigned to regular teams, and are expected to serve according to the schedule which is provided.
Parents are asked to encourage their sons to be faithful in meeting this responsibility. The team captain will help new boys to be properly fitted in robes, and will offer necessary training, orientation and support.
If you would like to become an altar boy or have any questions regarding serving your church, please call (978) 531-0777 and ask for Father Yianni Michaelidis
or email Fr Yianni at
Ministry Resources
Archives of the St. Vasilios monthly bulletin Orthodox Life. Learn more »PARISH MINISTRIES BOOKLET
Information about various ministries at St. Vasilios Greek Orthodox Church Learn more »Orthodox Marketplace
The official online store of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. Learn more »Send an Iconogram
Send a message to a loved one or a friend in celebration of a name day, feast day, or sacrament. Learn more »Upcoming Events
Sunday Worship Services (live streaming on 1st Sunday of the month only)
Orthros at 8:00 am
Divine Liturgy at 9:00 am
Memorial Service follows the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy
Wednesday, January 29th
Vesperal Liturgy
Feast of the Three Hierarchs
The Saturday of Souls, on which our departed loved ones are commemorated in the prayers of the church,
will be celebrated this year on February 22, March 1, & March 8 .
Orthros & Divine Liturgy will be celebrated at 8 and 9 a.m. respectively.