HOOPS: Basketball Program

Click Here for More Information Regarding HOOPS Registration

The goal of the St Vasilios HOOPS basketball program is for our participants to meet, participate and propagate sportsmanship and spirituality while holding high the banner of Christianity. The mission is to provide the youth of our church the opportunity to participate in a church activity. Our goal is for our kids to love the experience and want to play again year after year, thereby keeping them involved. We'd like them to learn the following: -- to play basketball, to play as a team, to be a good sport, to learn win and more importantly learn how to lose, to rely on others, the value of preparation and hard work, to compete while maintaining a good Orthodox Christian attitude and behavior.

If you have any questions regarding this church group,

please call (978) 531-0777 and ask for Father Yanni Michaelidis

or email Fr Yanni at Fryanni@stvasilios.org.


The Hoops Basketball program seeks to provide a sporting environment which reflects the Christian values of our faith. In this league, winning is important, but it is not everything; all children, regardless of ability, "make" the team and play in each game. We strive to coach each player in a manner that nurtures his/her self-image and sense of worth. In this supportive and loving atmosphere, even youngsters with little natural ability make remarkable progress in their skills and self-confidence. An awards banquet is held at the end of the season at which every child and receives a trophy.

We welcome members of other Orthodox parishes and friends of our parishioners. We will do our best to place siblings on the same team, but cannot accommodate all requests for friends and other relatives. We strive to promote children making new and lasting friendships with other members of the St. Vasilios Family.

Thank You

John Kourtelidis,

St Val’s Hoops Director

Let the little children come to me; do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs. - Mark 10:14



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Orthros at 8:00 am

Divine Liturgy at 9:00 am

Memorial Service follows the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy

Vesperal Liturgy of St. Basil
Tuesday, December 24
Vesperal Liturgy 6pm
Wednesday, December 25
8 am Orthros
9 am Divine Liturgy
Wednesday, January 1
St. Vasilios
9 am Orthros
10 am Divine Liturgy
Sunday, January 5
Vesperal Liturgy 6pm
For Epiphany
Monday, January 6
Vesperal Liturgy 6pm
For St. John the Baptist
