Christmas 2022 by Rev Christopher P Foustoukos
He sent redemption to His people; He has commanded His covenant forever. (Ps 111:9)
In the person of Jesus Christ, our Heavenly Father sent redemption to His people. He sent His very own precious Son to be our Redeemer. What a wonderful gift has been give to us. We know that we are not worthy because of our sinfulness, yet He still comes. He comes for you and me. Christ comes to bestow His blessings upon us in abundance. In his writings, Saint Tikhon has Jesus saying these glorious words to us:
Do you want wisdom? I am God’s wisdom. Do you want friendship? Who is friendlier or more loving than I, who laid down my life for you? Are you looking for help? Who can offer greater help than I? Do you need a doctor? Who can cure, other then I, the source of all healing. Looking for joy? Who will make you happy if not I? Looking for peace? I am the peace of the soul. Looking for life? I am the Resurrection and the life. Looking for light? I am the light of the whole world. Looking for truth? I am the Truth. Searching for the way? I am the way. Looking for a guide to heaven? I am the only true Guide. Why don’t you want to come to me? You dare not approach? Who is easier to approach than I? You are afraid to ask? Who have I ever refused who has asked with faith? Your sins prevent you? I died for sinners. Your great number of sins distresses you? My mercy is greater than all your sins.
My dear brothers and sister, Christ was born for us, that He might be born in us! Please wherever your travels take you this holiday season take some time Christmas Eve or Christmas Day to come to Church to thank our Heavenly Father for the Greatest gift we have ever received... Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.
Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy 2023!
+Father Chris
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