The Great Miracle of Pascha by Fr Chris

On Palm Sunday evening, April 28th we begin the great push to the crescendo of Great Lent and Holy Week, the great miracle of Pascha. The most moving events of Holy Week are the crucifixion and death of our Lord upon the cross.

Bishop Kallistos Ware writes in his wonderful book, The Orthodox Church that the Orthodox attitude to the Crucifixion is best seen in the hymns sung on Good Friday, such as, “He who clothes Himself with light as with a garment stood naked at the judgment. On His cheek He received blows from the hands, which He had formed. The lawless multitude nailed to the Cross the Lord of Glory.”

The Orthodox Church on Good Friday thinks not simply of Christ’s human pain and suffering by itself, but rather of the contrast between His out- ward humiliation and His inward glory. We Orthodox see not just the suffering humanity of Christ, but a suffering God. Another hymn states: “Today is hung upon the tree He who hung the earth in the midst of the waters. A crown of thorns crowns Him who is the King of the angels. He is wrapped about with purple mockery who wraps the heavens in clouds.”

The crucifixion is not separated from the Resurrection, for both are but a single action. Calvary is seen always in the light of the empty tomb; the Cross-is an emblem of victory. When Orthodox Christians think of Christ crucified, they think not only of His suffering and desolation; they think of Him as Christ the Victor, Christ the King, reigning in triumph from the cross. Christ is our victorious King, not in spite of the Crucifixion, but because of it.

Saint Eusebius says of the Crucifixion: “If you do not listen to Him who has created you, then ask Him who has redeemed you how much you are worth. What is the price, which Christ has paid for you? Consider His sufferings, how He was mistreated and mocked; think of the scourging, the crown of thorns, the cross. To redeem you, to purchase you, He sacrificed His life – He, God’s eternal Son – He, true God like the Father. Look at the magnificence of the moon and the stars, look at the earth in all its beauty; what is it all compared to God? Hardly more than a speck of dust! Therefore, you are worth infinitely more than heavens and the earth with all their splendor. The standard of your worth is the eternal God Himself; for He has purchased you with His own are worth as much as the blood of our Lord Jesus.”

My dear sisters and brothers in the Lord, in order to fully appreciate the great feast of Pascha it is most necessary to stand before the cross of Christ on Holy Thursday. On Palm Sunday, you will come to church and receive your palm, on Good Friday you will come to church and receive your flower from the tomb of Christ, at Pascha you will come to church and receive your red egg, only on Holy Thursday we ask that you come to church and kneel before the Cross and instead of receiving, give to our Lord your reverence, your repentance and your prayers. In this way can you stand before the empty tomb and experience the joy of the Resurrection.

Christos Anesti! Christ has risen!
+Rev Christopher P Foustoukos
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