Waiting Patiently by Fr Chris

...with all lowliness and meekness, with patience, forbearing one another in love,
eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. (Ephesians 4: 2-3)

In the summer before my senior year of high school, I worked for a landscaper in Swampscott. As I sat on his front steps waiting for my father to come pick me up, the warm sun was peering through the leaves of the tall maples, and the soft breeze gently
tousled my hair. I was content to wait patiently.

A neighbor walking past me as I sat there said, “Patience is a virtue.” That encounter has remained with me. I pondered it, realizing that in that moment, after a hard days work, it was easy to be patient. Waiting on those steps, I had no fear that my father would not come for me. I trusted in his concern for me, and I knew he would not abandon me. My father soon came, and I relaxed in the cool and comfort of his presence and the cold soda he brought for me!

I have also learned, since that moment, to wait patiently for the Lord’s direction in my life. I will be honest and say that it has not always been easy, and at times I worried and cried that perhaps the Lord had abandoned me. In the end, I realized that God was al- ways by my side. Our heavenly Father cares for us, too, and our patience and expectant waiting is never in vain. When we realize that God is in control of our lives, we can release our tensions and frustrations to God. We will never be abandoned.

May we always thank our heavenly Father for always being patient with us. May He help us to wait patiently and trust that He will guide us as we wait on His answer to our concerns. Amen.

+Rev Christopher P Foustoukos
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