Holy Orders
Holy Orders
The Holy Spirit preserved the continuity of the Church through the Sacrament of Holy Orders. Through ordination, men who have been chosen from within the Church are set apart by the Church for special service to the Church. Each is called by God through His people to stand amid the community, as pastor and teacher, and as the representative of the parish before the Altar. Each is also a living icon of Christ among His people. According to Orthodox teaching, the process of ordination begins with the local congregation; but the bishop alone, who acts in the name of the universal Church, can complete the action. He does so with the invocation of the Holy Spirit and the imposition of his hands on the person being ordained.
Following the custom of the Apostolic Church, there are three major orders each of which requires a special ordination. These are Bishop, who is viewed as a successor of the Apostles, Priest and Deacon, who act in the name of the Bishop. Each order is distinguished by its pastoral responsibilities. Only a Bishop may ordain. Often, other titles and offices are associated with the three orders. The Orthodox Church permits men to marry before they are ordained. Since the sixth century, Bishops have been chosen from the celibate clergy.
Ministry Resources
Archives of the St. Vasilios monthly bulletin Orthodox Life. Learn more »PARISH MINISTRIES BOOKLET
Information about various ministries at St. Vasilios Greek Orthodox Church Learn more »Orthodox Marketplace
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Sunday Worship Services (live streaming on 1st Sunday of the month only)
Orthros at 8:00 am
Divine Liturgy at 9:00 am
Memorial Service follows the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy
Wednesday, January 29th
Vesperal Liturgy
Feast of the Three Hierarchs
The Saturday of Souls, on which our departed loved ones are commemorated in the prayers of the church,
will be celebrated this year on February 22, March 1, & March 8 .
Orthros & Divine Liturgy will be celebrated at 8 and 9 a.m. respectively.